
4 AC Maintenance Kemah Tips For The End of Summer

AC Maintenance Kemah

AC Maintenance Kemah: Caring For Your HVAC System

School has begun, officially ending summer vacation. However, the summertime heat will continue for the next couple of months; the cooling season will not end until the approach of October. The temperature is still high enough to make doing without AC very uncomfortable. That means the hard-working air conditioner that has been plowing through the peak cooling season still has work ahead. Is your air conditioner up to the task ahead?

If you have concerns about your AC Maintenance Kemah, here are some early warning signs about AC repair troubles.

Sensory Surprises

The air conditioner in most homes is a part of the background noise and little more. However, when the AC system makes itself obvious with unusual sights, sounds, and smells, these are indicators of present AC Maintenance Kemah issues or near-future problems.

  1. Unusual sounds. Normal air conditioner noises might be so slight, they require focus to recognize. A slight click at the thermostat is followed by a whisper of air movement. When the air conditioner makes louder, unfamiliar noises, this indicates a problem that needs to be addressed. A grinding or screeching noise might indicate a blower motor problem. Buzzing, inside or outside, at the condenser unit, indicates failure or imminent failure of an electrical control or switch. Such noises will not “just go away.”
  2. Unusual smells. Normally, air conditioning moves air, but does not contribute to odors. If the air coming through the vents takes on a musty smell, it indicates water is promoting a mold or mildew bloom. If the system begins to give off a “burnt plastic” smell, either through the vents or emanating from the air conditioner, turn the system off and call a technician immediately. These smells will not go away if ignored.
  3. Unusual sights. Air conditioners do not normally develop ice or leak water from the indoor air conditioner cabinet. But when either can be observed, the abnormal development needs to be addressed and will not just go away. A leak from the cabinet may indicate a clogged drain line exiting the evaporator chamber. Ice indicates a refrigerant leak, which is often accompanied by the loss of cooling.
  4. Unusual “skinsations.” Air conditioner systems provide cool air and remove humidity from the air—sometimes a couple of gallons per day are removed. A troubled air conditioner, therefore, will perform both functions poorly. The air will be noticeably warmer and cooling cycles will be longer as the system continues to try to answer the call of the thermostat. Another indication is excess moisture in the home. That might be perceived on human skin or any surface of the home.

Trust your senses! If uncovered early, many of these problems can be repaired. Ignoring any of these problems may put the problem beyond repair, leading to an emergency replacement—an undesirable result for all involved.

Air conditioning systems have a limited lifespan. Statistically, the useful life for air conditioners ranges between 15 and 20 years. Excellent AC Maintenance Kemah and care often add 5 or more years to air conditioning systems.

As air conditioners age, they lose efficiency and struggle to meet the cooling demands during temperature spikes. A repair now may be just a stopgap measure to make it to the end of the cooling season. If you know your system is approaching failure, do not fail to plan a replacement.

AC Maintenance Kemah: Call Dr Cool and Prepare for Fall

Proper equipment, training, and experience are all necessary for these steps. That’s why Doctor Cool is here to help you with your AC Maintenance Kemah needs. Call Doctor Cool & Professor Heat today at 281-338-8751 or email Doctor Cool.

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