
Sewer Repair Bacliff

Sewer Repair Bacliff

Sewer Repair Bacliff Tips for Homeowners

Maintaining a home gets more complicated with each passing year. Homeowners focus on the important things that happen inside the house—relationships and the schedules of daily life—while maintaining the building systems and envelope that houses it all.

With each generation of housing design, the systems get more complex; it can get rather overwhelming . . . unless a homeowner stays informed. That is why these Sewer Repair Bacliff tips are so helpful to homeowners.

Sewer Repair Bacliff: Maintaining the Sewer Main

The drainage system for the home connects to the municipal or sewer utility main via a buried sewer main, with these characteristics:

  • A PVC pipe, usually 8 inches in diameter, connects the home to the sewer main.
  • You will find the pipe buried, usually 6- to 12- underground.
  • Except in extreme situations, the sewer line uses gravity and is not pressurized.

So, how does someone maintain a PVC drain line buried in the yard?

Sewer Repair Bacliff: Longevity of PVC

Polyvinyl chloride is a thermoplastic polymer that is perfect for the task. PVC is strong, resilient, and rot-resistant. Research estimates that it will last more than 100 years underground. However, some environmental situations can harm these strong pipes.

  • PVC is extremely susceptible to ultraviolet light. UV light will break down the structure of PVC and make it brittle. While it is buried, UV light cannot reach it.
  • Extreme cold will also make PVC brittle. However, since the drain line is buried below the frost line, the drain line will not be affected.
  • While buried, the PVC is extremely strong, resisting the pressure from all that lies above. However, it is susceptible to the sheer force of movement, either up or down or side-to-side motion. Changes, such as landscaping construction, can result in sheer force. It is important to locate the direction of the sewer line before proceeding.
  • Speaking of landscaping, the roots of trees and shrubs pose a real threat to PVC pipes. Roots are seeking two things—water and nutrients. The flow inside the sewer pipe is loaded with both. Any crack or flaw will attract roots, and the roots are strong enough to widen the opening further. When the roots reach the flow, they will grow until they fill the pipe, creating a massive clog.

Sewer Repair Bacliff: Usual Drain Care

The normal steps taken to keep pipes clear inside the home also help maintain the buried lines.

  • Avoid flushing items that should not be flushed, including clothing, toys, and electronic devices.
  • Some items deemed “flushable,” should not be flushed. Flushable wipes and feminine hygiene products should not be flushed.
  • Oils, fats, and grease are extremely harmful to the drainage system. These substances are usually liquid or gelatinous when they enter the drain but solidify when they cool. These substances coat and eventually clog the drain lines inside, but they create the same blockage in the buried sewer lines.

When a home’s sewer line is clogged by grease or roots, or should the sewer line be broken, it will be necessary to connect with a professional plumber.

Your Sewer Repair Bacliff Experts!

Let Doctor Cool assist with all of your Sewer Repair Bacliff needs. Call Doctor Cool & Professor Heat today at 281-338-8751 or email Doctor Cool and let our professional Residential Plumber Contractors assist with all of your Sewer Repair Bacliff needs.


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