
AC Maintenance Dickinson

AC Maintenance Dickinson

AC Maintenance Dickinson: Keep Your AC System Energy Efficient

Summertime heat seems relentless this time of year and it is easy for the utility bills to get out of control just trying to stay comfortable. Thank goodness there are steps homeowners can take to reduce the cost of air conditioning that costs little or nothing.

Keep the Heat Outside

Solar Gain. The sunshine that we enjoy outdoors makes our climate hot and humid. We appreciate this by participating in camping, water sports, cookouts, and time at the pool. However, that heat is not welcome indoors, where we try to escape and find relief.

Windows are excellent conductors of heat and light. We appreciate the natural light inside our home, but we don’t appreciate the accompanying heat. A home can be 10 degrees warmer when the sun is allowed to shine in all day.

It is best to close window treatments—blinds and drapes—during the heat of the day and open them in the late afternoon. Less heat = fewer cooling cycles to keep the home comfortable.

Insulate. The building envelope should be covered by a thermal barrier layer, called insulation. Most of the thermal barrier is covered by wall treatments and inaccessible. The attic insulation is the most important insulation factor and should be open for adding additional insulation.

Check the attic; it should be covered by at least twelve inches of quality insulation to limit the amount of heat that can be conducted through the ceiling.

Weatherproofing. Very small gaps develop around windows and doors. If you were to accumulate the space of these gaps in one location, the size of the opening would be amazing. The heat that moves into the home because of the gap is significant and unnecessary. Use caulk and weatherstripping to seal these gaps.

Simple Homeowner AC Maintenance Dickinson

Filter Changes. With each cooling cycle, the air filter collects airborne particles, like a faithful guardian of indoor air quality. It is surprising how quickly the filter is covered and begins restricting airflow. For this reason, homeowners should change the air filter regularly—at least every three months.

Clean the Condenser Unit. That is the outdoor portion of an air conditioner. A huge fan in the center draws air through a network of tubes and fins, but this network acts like an air filter, collecting pollen, dust, and grass clippings.

When the accumulation restricts airflow, it makes the entire system inefficient and slow to respond. Use a water hose (not a power washer) to rinse away the dust and debris. Make sure that a clear space of two feet surrounds the condenser for adequate airflow; trim back shrubs and high grass.

Uncover Vents. Daily activities might leave furniture, rugs, or drapes as vent covers, restricting the supply or returning air to the air conditioner. Take an occasional walk around the house to ensure every vent remains unobstructed.

Use Ceiling Fans. While not a maintenance task, running ceiling fans in a counterclockwise rotation (whether the room is occupied or not) will thoroughly mix the air and make the air conditioner more efficient.

Professional AC Maintenance Dickinson

Any air conditioner system is designed to be inspected and serviced by a professional AC Maintenance Dickinson technician at least annually. An AC Maintenance Dickinson technician will professionally clean the system components, check the refrigerant level, and test electrical sensors, switches, and control mechanisms.

If a part is stressed or failing, the repair or replacement can be completed before further trouble occurs. The technician can answer questions and advise on the system’s general condition. If a major problem is on the horizon, a homeowner will appreciate the heads-up.

Proper equipment, training, and experience are all necessary for these steps. That’s why Doctor Cool is here to help you with your AC Maintenance Dickinson. Call Doctor Cool & Professor Heat today at 281-338-8751 or email Doctor Cool.

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