
Significance of a Plumbing Inspection

Significance of a Plumbing Inspection

Why Plumbing Inspection is Crucial When Buying a New Home

The choice to purchase a new home is big and exciting and can be quite complicated. The attention-grabbing features are mostly surface quality; the real bones of the home are covered, and important building system components are not readily visible.

A typical home inspection will include a visual inspection, looking for plumbing problems and observing problems with plumbed appliances. However, a plumbing inspection will look much closer at the water supply and the drainage system. If there is any doubt, a plumbing inspection can uncover problems before a contract is signed, problems that may cost thousands of dollars.

How detailed is a plumbing inspection? It may include:

Supply Plumbing Inspection.

  • Testing the water pressure from various faucets throughout the home. High water pressure can damage pipes and appliances, and low pressure is annoying and can cause water-using appliances to malfunction.
  • A plumbing contractor will be familiar with local water quality. A simple water quality test might be needed to protect the health of occupants.
  • Since the water supply is under pressure, even a minor leak will result in a major problem. An inspector will trace the supply network to uncover any evidence that a leak is present.
  • The water heater is used daily for bathing, cooking, and cleaning. Replacing the water heater can be an unexpected expense; if the water heater needs to be replaced, an inspection will reveal this major problem.
  • Aging toilets may develop a leak between the tank and the bowl. This results in the occasional refilling of the tank, even when the toilet is not in use. These leaks waste water and are annoying.
  • Appliances that use water–washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators—will be checked for leaks and proper function.

Visual Leak Plumbing Inspection.

  • Observing the faucets and shower heads will shed more light on the water quality. Hard water often leaves mineral deposits. This observation may also reveal minor leaks that need to be repaired.
  • Showers and tubs must not leak water into the surrounding walls or floors. An inspection will include observing caulk and grout to ensure a watertight seal.
  • An inspection will follow the pipe network, both exposed and covered, looking for water spots, warping, or the development of mold, all evidence of leaks.
  • An inspection will also detect problems with pipe insulation in unheated spaces and for the presence of lead water supply pipes.

Drain Inspections.

A plumbing inspection will also include observations concerning the drainage and sewer system network on the property.

  • Drain network inspections may begin in sinks, tubs, and showers, observing how well water drains. It will extend to looking under sinks and around tubs and showers, looking for leaks, corrosion, and improper drain installation.
  • The visual observations concerning the supply network will also serve to observe the drainage network. This serves to observe drainage problems as well.
  • The residential sewer line, often called a lateral line, transports household wastewater to the municipal sewer system. Problems arise when a leak develops in the sewer pipes. This may lead to erosion, standing sanitary sewage in the yard, and roots from nearby trees or shrubs to invade the pipe and create a blockage.

A pre-purchase plumbing inspection can uncover hidden plumbing problems, avoid being responsible for repairs, and give the buyer peace of mind.

Schedule Your Prepurchase Plumbing Inspections with Doctor Cool and Professor Heat!

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