Plumbing Maintenance Tips for Storms

League City Plumbing Maintenance Tips for the 2024 Hurricane Season
The first named storm of 2024 will be Alberto: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration expects an active season with 20-25 Atlantic storms, 8-12 of which are expected to become hurricanes, and 4-5 making a direct impact on the coastal United States.
South Texas residents are not strangers to violent storms, which include thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. The difference with hurricanes is they are predictable, giving folks time to prepare. Preparedness plans are available for various aspects of homeownership, including:
- Food and water supplies
- Evacuation routes
- Covering windows before the heavy winds carrying projectiles
It should not be surprising that there are hurricane preparedness plans for your plumbing network as well. Here are four easy plumbing maintenance steps to take before a severe hurricane.
League City Plumbing Maintenance Tip1: Pre-storm Preparation
The hurricane season is pretty predictable, so some steps can be taken before the wind and rain arrive. Here are several tips to prepare your plumbing for a potential hurricane.
- Locate the water meter and main water shutoff valve. Turn the main water valve off and on to ensure that sediment has not locked it open. If a wrench is needed, keep one nearby.
- Make sure every aspect of the plumbing system is in working order. Walk the entire supply and sewer network, searching for leaks, discoloration, or pools of water. A hurricane will put stress on every aspect of your plumbing; make sure it is in working order.
- Test any sump pump. Pour enough water into the sump pit to activate the pump.
League City Plumbing Maintenance Tip 2: Stormwater Preparations
Two major dangers that arise from hurricanes include a storm surge and massive amounts of rain. Both cause drainage ways and low-lying areas to be susceptible to flooding and flash flooding. Be very mindful concerning nearby streams and waterways, even those that are normally dry beds.
Most streets are made from impervious surfaces, so rainwater runs off to one side or the other. Even local streets feature storm drains, but they may not be designed to handle the amount of water falling during a severe hurricane. A homeowner must be aware of the drainage line of the yard immediately surrounding the home. Remember to:
- Clean leaves and limbs (anything that can clog a culvert pipe) away from low-lying areas
- Ensure the sump pump is working properly—it might be necessary. A properly working sump pump should prevent water from entering the crawl space or basement. The flood water from a hurricane will often contain sewage and other contaminants and should be considered hazardous.
League City Plumbing Maintenance Tip 3: Sewer Preparations
Normally, sanitary sewer networks are separated from rainwater. Heavy rain and storm surges can invade and overwhelm the sanitary sewer system in low-lying areas. Without protection, this can cause dangerous sewage to back up into indoor spaces. Local code may require safety measures to prevent such backups. Hopefully, you will be aware of these measures.
If you are aware of existing drainage problems between your home and the municipal sewer system, expect these problems to be exacerbated by heavy rainwater. Usually, a drainage problem includes a leak in the drain line; the excess water can back up into the home and cause damage.
League City Plumbing Maintenance Tip 4: Supply Preparations
The water supply system should also be separated from a storm surge or excessive rain. Occasionally, hurricane forces can enter the supply network and compromise the drinkable water. This can happen when the network is damaged or the supply pump loses power. The empty pipes can allow air into the network and introduce pathogens. Solutions for these possibilities include:
- Purchase and store a 3-day water supply for the family. Include water for cooking, cleaning, and flushing.
- Shut off the water supply at the water meter pit should flood waters approach your home or if you plan to evacuate. This ensures stormwater does not enter your home’s supply network. It also ensures that a broken water line does minimal damage inside your home.
- Watch for notices from the local water supply district concerning boil orders or health problems with the supply.
Be Prepared for Bad Weather, Let Dr. Cool Help with Your League City Plumbing Maintenance
Let Doctor Cool help with your storm-preparedness League City plumbing maintenance questions. Call Doctor Cool & Professor Heat today at 281-338-8751 or email Doctor Cool and let our professional plumbing maintenance contractors assist in getting your home or commercial plumbing ready for any storm.