
HVAC Replacement: 4 Signs It Is Time To Replace Your AC

HVAC Replacement

Know When It Is Time For an HVAC Replacement

Recently, that thought crept back into your consciousness—will this be the year that you need to replace the air conditioner? HVAC replacement is serious. A knock on the budget. An interruption in your schedule. It is very inconvenient if replacement happens because of sudden failure. If you are considering whether this is the time for an HVAC Replacement or not, you need more information. Consider these factors:

Increasing Age

While a furnace may last 20 to 25 years, the average air conditioner will function well for 10 to 15 years. Maintaining your system over the years will increase the number of useful years, but AC systems are not meant to last forever. If you do not remember installing your current system, find your system’s model and serial number and do some research online. (Take note of the type of gas used in your system, such as R-22 or R-401a). This will be valuable information in your decision-making process.

Increased Energy Cost

A system on the decline will take more energy to accomplish the same task. More energy will translate to more energy used and start showing up on your bill. Determining this is a little tricky, though. If your utility bills appear to be creeping up, it might be attributable to the rising cost of energy. Monitoring the kilowatt-hours is a better indicator of declining efficiency; look for the abbreviation kWh—the unit electricity is sold by. If the number of kWhs is steadily increasing without introducing new appliances, this is valuable information in your decision-making process.

Reduced Efficiency

An aging AC experiences wear and tear, which means it will struggle to cool the same space it cooled efficiently in previous years. Inefficiency may be experienced when:

  • Certain spaces are hard to cool on normal days.
  • The whole house is harder to cool on extremely hot days.
  • Surfaces begin to feel sticky—countertops, furniture, and even skin.
  • Mold or mildew develops on already wet surfaces, such as showers or tubs.

This is valuable information in your decision-making process.

Increased Repair Bills

At first, a technician can repair whatever is ailing an air conditioner; if smaller parts fail and are caught early, the problem can be solved. But eventually, a larger component will fail, and the cost of repairs becomes great enough that replacement is a better option. This will be the final bit of valuable information in your decision-making process.

Know When it is Time for an HVAC Replacement

Let us help with your HVAC Replacement. Call Doctor Cool & Professor Heat today at 281-338-8751 or email Doctor Cool and let our professional Residential HVAC Replacement technicians assist with all of your HVAC Replacement.

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